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Что-то пошло не так: индийский "Гудини" опутал себя цепями и пропал, выполняя трюк под водой

Шоу не будет продолжаться... Трагедией завершился "магический" трюк, который выполнял индийский "Гудини" по имени Шанчал Лахири. На родине он был известен под псевдонимом Wizard Mandrake. Известный 40-летний маг, который повторял знаменитые на весь мир фокусы Гудини, погиб в реке Хугли в воскресенье, пишет Daily Mail. Тело мужчины было найдено спустя сутки. Лахри исчез после того, как его связали цепями и спустили краном в реку в Калькутте. Опутаны у мужчины были и руки, и ноги. Выполнял трюк маг в ярком костюме желто-красного цвета. Спустя время, отведенное на фокус, Шанчал так и не появился на поверхности воды. Тут же начались поиски. Лахири перед испытанием сказал, что он успешно выполнял подобный трюк 21 год назад. «Я был внутри пуленепробиваемого стеклянного ящика, связанного цепью и замками, когда меня опустили в реку с моста. Я смог выбраться через 29 секунд", - признался маг. Он заявил, что на этот раз будет трудно освободиться. «Если я смогу выбраться, это будет волшебство, если не смогу, это будет трагично», - сказал он. Он также сказал, что предпринимает смертельно опасный трюк, чтобы «оживить интерес к магии».




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An Indian magician, who attempted to recreate #HarryHoudini's famed trick by jumping shackled into a river, is feared dead. #ChanchalLahiri was meant to escape and swim to safety but did not emerge from the Hooghly river in West Bengal state. Spectators who had gathered to watch him take the plunge on Sunday informed the police, who say they are searching for him. Mr Lahiri, also known as Mandrake, was lowered into the river from a boat. He was shackled with six locks and a chain as spectators on two boats watched him. Several people had also gathered by the shore and some stood on the landmark Howrah Bridge in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta). Police and a team of divers canvassed the area but as of Sunday evening local time, they had been unable to find the magician. One officer told the Hindustan Times newspaper that Mr Lahiri could not be declared dead until the body was found. Jayant Shaw, a photographer with a local newspaper, witnessed Mr Lahiri attempting the trick. He told the BBC that he spoke to him before the magician started his act. "I asked him why he risked his life for magic," Mr Shaw said. "He [Mr Lahiri] smiled and said, 'If I do it right, it's magic. If I make a mistake, it becomes tragic.'" The magician told him that he wanted to do this trick in order "to revive interest in magic". This is not the first time that Mr Lahiri had attempted a risky underwater trick. He was lowered into the same river inside a glass box more than 20 years ago but had managed to escape to safety. Mr Shaw had also witnessed Mr Lahiri's previous underwater trick. "I never thought he would not come out of the water this time," he said. #India #peoplesdigestonline #PeoplesDigest A post shared by Peoples Digest Online (@peoplesdigest) on Jun 17, 2019 at 1:13am PDT




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😱📷👨🏻‍💻👉👉👉👉 #Repost @skynews with @get_repost ・・・ "If I can free myself it will be magic, if I cannot it will be tragic." These were the final words of an Indian stuntman who has gone missing after he lowered himself into the River Ganges for a magic trick. This is an image of Chanchal Lahiri taken in 1998 as he was lowered into the River Hooghly in a glass cage box - similar to his recent stunt. #riverhooghly #india #indian #india_gram #india_ig #indian #indiansummer #india_clicks #indiagram #indialove #india🇮🇳 #india_everyday #indiaclicks #india_undiscovered #indiatravel The 40-year-old was lowered into the river by a crane and was tied up with rope and steel chains. Mr Lahiri has not emerged from the river since - sparking a frantic search - and he is feared dead. #stuntman #chanchallahiri A post shared by Notas , noticias Y Curiosidad (@news_and_notas) on Jun 17, 2019 at 7:06am PDT


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